Getting ready to cross the bridge.
A view from the ferry on our way to San Francisco.
Mikayla's new man that we found at the restaurant at the Pier.
The automatic toilet in San Fran, Mikalya is in the toilet right now and didn't know that I was taking this.
Okay, the internet in the middle of nowhere is good for some things but it really doesn't like to upload pics so we will try that another day. :) Sorry:(
Once we got there we had to wait about 30 minutes for the next ferry and it was great to be able to see the bridge from the drive as well as Alcatraz. The only down fall was we came into the bay at Pier 1 and we needed to go to Pier 39. So a little walking this morning felt good and it was our exercise for the day or at least part of it.
We got down to the pier and started wondering around. It is so great just to people watch and see all the interesting people and what they are doing. Mikayla got her first glimpse of some street performs at their best. Pretty good education for her. :0) That was her look a lot of times.
We had lunch down at the pier and got to watch the end of a soccer game and had some really great nachos and beer (at least one of us did).
We wanted to head back across the bay at about 2 but the next ferry wasn't until 3:20. So guess what? We found some ice cream to have. It was great but this time we actually shared one.
By the time we got back to Sausalito it was a little after 4 o'clock and then we headed to go over the bridge. It was so amazing to see up close and personal.
But then we got to go on the Bay Bridge also and that bridge is about 5 miles long and a double decker bridge. The only sad part was that we were on the bottom level and didn't get to enjoy the wonderful view as much. Still a very cool bridge to go over.
I truly feel blessed every time that we go some place else and I get to see such great works done by man or by nature.
We got stuck in some wonderful San Fran rush hour traffic and it really reminds me why I don't like to drive in California. It is hard when you aren't really sure where to go and your navigator doesn't either. I think that it made for a little stressful time but we made it through.
We started heading east to Yosemite and have landed in Groveland, CA for the night. The camp site is probably our least favorite so far. It is really slanted and every time that we walk anywhere we both feel like we are falling. But at least we are in for the night and you get to hear all about it.